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Are you ready for diversity? Online training to fight stereotypes and discrimination


Activity sector : Trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles

Company category : SME


Raise awareness, train and involve

Description of the action

A training module was put online for all employees on Diversity Day.

All new employees are also invited to follow the e-learning module as soon as they join the company.

This module has been developed by the ALD Group and illustrates situations in everyday professional life during which inappropriate behaviour or comments can be made.


This e-learning highlights the automatisms installed in each person's home that are related todiscrimination.

The training makes people aware of what diversityintegration really means on a daily basis in the workplace and values diversity in order to recognize the people with whom we work as individuals.


Since the training has been developed by the Group, all you have to do is enroll the new employee in the training, which is designed mainly to raise awareness of behaviours and statements that can be made without realizing that there isdiscrimination or stereotyping.

  • How can differences be taken into account?
  • How can generalizations and stereotypes be avoided?
  • How do we become aware of our own biases?

« To do »

  • Informing the new employee of the purpose of the training helps to set the framework for our diversity management policy.
  • Ensure that they complete the online training within the first few weeks of their arrival.
  • Provide for an online evaluation quiz at the end of the e-learning course.

Keywords : Training

Published on 01 July 2019
