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BNY Mellon Luxembourg Women’s Initiative Network

Company name : THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON SA/NV Luxembourg Branch

Activity sector : Financial and insurance activities

Company category : Large company


Raise awareness, train and involve

Description of the action

Launching BNY Mellon Luxembourg’s Women’s Initiative Network


To supportgender equality and advance female talent, BNY Mellon’s internal Women’s Initiative Network, (“WIN”) offers a variety of personal and professional development opportunities through the provision of local events and activities.


As a catalyst for change, WIN supports the advancement of women at BNY Mellon through various channels and opportunities for professional development, leadership, enhanced visibility and connectivity with other employees and clients.


• Appoint a senior sponsor and a steering group; • Confirm a budget; • Agree a strategy or set of priorities for the year; • Allocate tasks and responsibilities; • Meet on a monthly basis to measure progress.


Events and activities that supportgender equality, promoteinclusion and provide personal and professional development opportunities.

« To do »

Appoint a senior sponsor to advocate on behalf of the network, provide strategic council and enlist the support of other senior leaders.

« Not to do »

Appoint a senior sponsor to advocate on behalf of the network, provide strategic council and enlist the support of other senior leaders.

Keywords : Evaluation, mobility and career management

Published on 05 November 2019
