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A welcome booklet to integrate all employees

Company name : ELISABETH

Activity sector : Health and social work

Company category : Foundation, Non-profit, NGO



Description of the action

A complete welcome booklet has been produced. It contains 9 parts, including the company's values and commitments, particularly in favour of diversity. The booklet describes all the company's activities, offering an overview to employees, without being limited to their department only. It also presents the holistic approach and indicates the operating rules, the framework within which the employee can then apply his or her personal way of working. One of the sections deals with the rights of employees (remuneration, leave, administrative procedures, etc.). This booklet is distributed to new employees and has been distributed to all existing employees. A second section containing details of the workplace is given to the employee on the spot.


In 2013, Elisabeth's management wished to formalise itsintegration policy for new employees and to clarify for all others already in post, in complete transparency, its corporate philosophy and its expectations regarding the work to be carried out. The company has therefore established a realintegration process, which consists of 4 stages, including the distribution of the welcome booklet. In order to draw up this booklet, it began by building on the existing material, taking up the company's philosophy worked on in 2001. The booklet is constantly updated and can be consulted on the intranet.


The main objective is to give a good start to new recruits and to enable all employees to know and understand the company, what its activities, history and values are, and thus to clearly define the work that the company expects of them. The welcome booklet helps to integrate the person and clarify the company's approach.

Another objective is to integrate the diversity that makes up elisabeth's teams in terms of the many professions, age categories, qualifications and activities in particular. Indeed, this diversity brings different work visions that must be discussed, communicated and understood to become an asset for the company.


The 4 stages of theintegration process:

1. A presentation of all of Elisabeth's activities, her structure and her company philosophy at each job interview.

2. Distribution of the welcome booklet, which contains a written summary of what was said during the interview.

3. The appointment of a tutor when the new employee takes up the job until he or she is self-sufficient.

4. One year after recruitment, participation in anintegration Day bringing together experienced employees from all departments with the aim of reflecting together on the company's philosophy as applied on a daily basis and reflecting the 300-year history of Elisabeth. This day is held in several languages.


The training department is in charge of the evaluation. The participants in theintegration day expressed very positive feedback, especially experienced employees who were reluctant to see the usefulness of this process before they had taken part. This newintegration procedure, notably via the welcome booklet, has enabled a better understanding of the work. Employees can now identify more easily with the company's values and no longer hesitate, for example, to report practices that are not in line with the company's values.

« To do »

Clarify what is expected from employees and what the company's philosophy is, without leaving any unclear parts. It is easier to clarify the expectation in advance than to have to specify it afterwards.

« Not to do »

Do not focus the Welcome Booklet on sanctions for non-compliance, but take a positive and proactive approach to provide the framework imposed.

Keywords : Welcoming and socialization

Published on 23 July 2014
