
Diversity at every level of our community


Activity sector : Other

Company category : SME


Raise awareness, train and involve

Description of the action

We actively articulate and promote a culture ofinclusion of families with diverse religious-cultural-ethnic backgrounds, including in our religious school (Talmud Torah) and offer a clear and non-discriminatory procedure of Jewish status confirmation for children of Jewish fathers or for those wishing to convert to Judaism. We make sure our board represents the wide spectrum of our membership, in particular when it comes togender balance or ethnic diversity.

Half of our board our women and half are non-Luxembourgers. We have started using of the materials of "Audacious Hospitality“ campaign in study sessions and in rabbi’s sermons to increase awareness of the diversity of Jewish community, including Jews of colour. We take part in the Luxembourg Pride, including through pride-related Shabbat activities and the flying of the rainbow flag. We guarantee equal access to marriage and religious ceremonies irrespective of thesexual orientation of those concerned.


Everyday management of our community.


To further increase awareness of our diversity and that of society overall


Ensuring diversity and representation of the different parts of our community at every different level.


The creation of an open and inclusive community as well as specific safe spaces for its different components.

« To do »

A dogmatic, uncritical, traditions based approach based on an established norms.

« Not to do »

The constant interaction and questioning of established patterns and habits to promote a real change in mentalities.

Keywords : Organizational culture

Published on 19 October 2020
