
Take part in the Equality March

The Luxembourg Pride, organised by Rosa Lëtzebuerg asbl, is the biggest LGBTIQ+ event in Luxembourg to celebrate diversity andinclusion and forthe 2022 edition, the Luxembourg Pride is an official part of Esch 2022 -European Capital of Culture. It is the moment where we can raise attentionand create visibilty for a community which has been greatly impacted by theongoing SARS-CoV-2; disappearance of LGBTIQ+ bars and safe spaces, nopolitical progression, etc.

That is why especially this year, a year where we can host again a physicalevent for everyone to attend, that it extremely important to show supportto the LGBTIQ+ community.

As Rosa Lëtzebuerg, we are launching an open call to all members toparticipate at the Equality March on Saturday 09/07/2022. The EqualityMarch is different than a typical Pride Parade in the sense that it is possiblefor any group to participate (with prior registration) and it carries moreprofoundly the political message of Pride. Especially for this extra-ordinaryedition and after 2 years of intermezzo, we want to start of the Pride StreetFestival with the biggest Equality March ever seen.

Participation on the Equality March can be on foot or with a registered float(compliant with all the safety regulations; document will be provided onrequest). If you are interested, please write an email to

Published on 01 April 2022
