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27 July 2024

Diversity Network - Measuring diversity and inclusion actions

  • Description

The Diversity Network is an opportunity to present practices implemented by organisations that have signed the Charter on a given subject. 

For this second Diversity Network, we will focus on the measurement of diversity and inclusion actions.


  • Pascal Recchia, Workplace Psychologist, POST Luxembourg
  • Josefa Peralba Ton, Human Resources Director, Sogelife
  • Marcelo Borges, Director & Head of Organizational Effectiveness, alterDomus

When? Friday 21 April from 12h00 to 14h00 / Registrations are now closed
Where? POST / 38, place de la Gare / 1616 Luxembourg
For who? This event is reserved for signatories of the Diversity Charter.

Event in English.

We inform all participants that they are likely to figure in some pictures taken during IMS' events. These pictures are meant to be published in written and online media edited by IMS Luxembourg.