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Diversit Day Buffer

Unconscious bias worskshops

Thursday 20 May 2021


Virtual via Teams


Description of the action
While a lot of people may know of unconscious bias, depth of understanding and knowledge is often lacking. Our aim is to start the conversation, give real world examples and discuss how it can affect the workplace, and the ways in which we can be more aware in tackling this topics. The aim is to start the day with a general opening and background on the topic, lead by a specialist. This will then be followed by breakout sessions (six to eight groups of a max of ten people) who, lead by a trained moderator, will conduct several exercises helping to raise awareness of real world examples. Groups will then discuss amongst themselves such situations, their effects, how this can come into the workplace, ways we can be more aware, and the steps we can take to reduce their occurrence. The groups will then come back together, with the moderators sharing examples and feedback from their breakout groups. Expected outcome : Employees to get a more precise view on : what unconscious bias is, how it affects all to some extent in everday life, how it comes into the workplace, what steps we can take as individuals, supported by the firm, to tackle the root cause, with everyone playing a part in the solution.