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Proportional promotions

Nom de l'entreprise : PWC

Secteur d'activité : Activités de services administratifs et de soutien

Catégorie de l'entreprise : Grande Entreprise


Définir une politique diversité

Description de l'action

We focused on how we promote our people and shifted our approach by computing the percentage of promotions in relation to the pool of eligible women and similarly for men. In a nutshell, we quantified the opportunity to be promoted for both a woman and a man at PwC for all responsibility levels by applying the following formula: (Number of women promoted / Total of eligible women) and also for men. This information is available to all our team leaders through a live dashboard that reflects how their actions during the performance review cycle directly affect their gender balance by grade and -potentially- their future pipelines.


We have a Data-Driven approach for allinclusion and Diversity initiatives, within this framework, we took a deep dive into our promotion cycle to re-evaluate the way it was done. We focused on how we promote our People and shifted our approach by computing the % of promotion in relation to the pool of eligible candidates.


Ensure promotions reflect proportionally the gender composition of eligible candidates by gender.


Monitoring specifically designed dashboard where Team Leaders and Business Unit Leaders can check how promotions in their teams affect the gender balance and their future talents’ pipeline.


  • Performance rating allocation across both genders has been fairly distributed across all lines of services and grades
  • Figures are demonstrating factually and objectively that there’s a slightly higher opportunity for a man to be promoted than for a woman, especially as from the manager level. This slight difference in favour of men is now shown in the figures, and no longer results from only a perception. Note: it’s not about counting the number of men promoted vs the number of women promoted, but it’s about assessing the likelihood of experiencing a promotion for each gender.

« A faire »

  • Ensure you train the users/the readers of the dashboard information for making them knowledgeable of the challenges around promotion bias.
  • Care about liaising with your HR team and HR responsible to increment the information within the dashboard during the promotion cycle – not after!

« Ne pas faire »

  • Don’t simply count but count proportionally (% of women or men promoted compared their gender group)
  • Don’t set a target but show the actual situation. It is powerful!

Mots-clés : Processus RH

Publié le 07 juillet 2023
