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Physical Accessility audit

Nom de l'entreprise : European Court of Auditors

Secteur d'activité : Autres

Catégorie de l'entreprise : Secteur Public



Description de l'action

The European Court of auditors decided to implement for the first time a physical accessibility audit in their three buildings


In the context of the new law in Luxembourg related to accessibility, the ECA took the decision to have an audit in order to study the level of accessibility of their buildings, the priorities and the different actions that would be required in order to have a more inclusive workplace for all .


The objective is to have a solid image of the situation of our buildings and then prioritize and implement the recommendations in the study.


The accessibility audit was implemented by an external company in Luxembourg that was experienced on the topic and also knowledgeable regarding the requirement indicated in the new law. The study lasted five months and the company examined a sample of our buildings (offices, parking, common spaces etc)


The impact will be enormous as at the end of the project (which in our case will take several years), our buildings will be accessible to all people, including people with disabilities.

« A faire »

Any member who would wish to implement this action should take into consideration the  new law relating to accessibility to all places open to the public, public roads and collective residential buildings.

« Ne pas faire »

Do not choose a company outside Luxembourg, as they are not knowledgeable regarding the new law

Mots-clés : Diagnostic

Publié le 22 décembre 2023
