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Family-Friendly Workplace

Nom de l'entreprise : Nordea Investment Funds S.A.

Secteur d'activité : Activités financières et d'assurance

Catégorie de l'entreprise : Grande Entreprise


Définir une politique diversité

Description de l'action

NAM wishes to be a family-friendly workplace and has therefore implemented guidelines and benefits in NAM's D&I policy to support new parents through the parental leave and after the return. With this, employees in scope are offered 1:1 coaching sessions with an external provider. Further, they have the option to work only 80% the first three years after return. This policy does not only contain benefits for the employee, but the intention is further to support a more inclusive culture by educating People Leaders in best-practices when team-members become parents. People Leaders should i.e. offer increased flexibility, a performance/learning/pay dialogue while away, and co-create a return-to-work plan with the employees in scope.


All new parents in NAM are in scope. A parent


The goal is to support equity andinclusion in the workplace by acknowledging employees in this life-changing chapter in their lives.


In practice, HR reaches out to employees before they leave for their parental leave and make them aware of the policy and offer the coaching sessions.


The impact is a more inclusive workplace.

« A faire »

Our advice is not to expect that all employees will find this offer attractive. Some employees wishes to be private about their parental leave and not get coaching sessions or be in contact with the workplace at all during the leave, which is completely fine and should be accepted and communicated to the leader.


Our full policy:

NAM supports and encourages all employees to take the parental leave they are entitled to according to local parental leave rules and country legislative rights. Parents are defined as parent “one” or “two” who are legally recognised as having a permanent relationship to a child – for example mother and father, mother and mother, father and father. In order to support employees in that, NAM applies the following standpoints in regards to parental leave:

· All Employees have the right to parental leave according to their local parental leave rules. In need of any information or guidance about the local parental leave rules, Employees can contact their local People specialists.

· All Employees that take parental leave should be offered the possibility to return to the same or a similar position that the Employee held when the parental leave was requested.

· All Employees have the right to be offered two or three 1:1 coaching sessions with an external coach (Depending on individual need and the length of the parental leave. This could e.g. be one session before the leave, one during the leave and/or one after return to work).

· If requested by the Employee, all People Leaders shall help facilitate for the Employee to work part-time (minimum 80%) the first three years after returning from parental leave2 (calculated as from the calendar date of return to work).

Before the start of parental leave:

· The People Leader shall assess if a temporary recruitment should be initiated or if tasks should be delegated to other team members. This should be assessed case-by-case. The People Leader can receive information and guidance in relation hereto from People specialists.

· The People Leader should have a transparent dialogue with the other team members to ensure that they take ownership in taking over the tasks to support the Employee taking a parental leave.

· If the Employee has need of increased flexibility when due date is approaching, the People Leader should provide this within the limits set out in local legislation and policies for tele-work. This could e.g. be working more from home or working flexible hours.

· The People Leader and the Employee shall come to an agreement about to what extent the employee wants to be contacted during the leave (e.g. often, limited, not at all, if organisational changes/development opportunities occur). In this relation, the People Leader shall emphasize the right to be fully on leave.

· The People Leader shall have transparent discussions with the Employee before the leave around goals, bonus and salary when away.

During the leave:

· The People Leader shall adhere to the agreed level of contact with the Employee.

· If the leave overlaps with the annual salary review, the People Leader shall make sure to invite the team member for the dialogue. If the team member is eligible to variable pay, the People Leader should ensure that the Employee receives the variable pay that they are entitled to in accordance with internal policies.

When the employee returns from leave:

· The People Leader and the Employee shall have a “return to work” meeting and discuss the employee’s new needs such as increased flexibility, reduced work hours, limited business travels etc.

· The People Leader and the Employee shall together create a return-to-work plan to support the re-integration of the Employee to work.

· The People Leader shall provide the same career opportunities to the returning team member as before. The People Leader shall e.g. not assume that the Employee cannot take on a long/complex project or a task requiring travelling. The People Leader should always ask and never assume.

Mots-clés : Processus RH

Publié le 30 novembre 2023
