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Diversity in Leadership

Nom de l'entreprise : ERGO Life S.A.

Secteur d'activité : Activités financières et d'assurance

Catégorie de l'entreprise : PME


Sensibiliser, former et impliquer

Description de l'action

Management Training for all Executives of ERGO Life S.A. (Webinar 25.06.2021)


Group-wide approach "Gender Ambition 2025


To raise awareness


- How do stereotypes arise and function? - What effects do unconscious prejudices have in the work context? - What options are there for action - individually and for organisational units? - How can these be transferred to the specific work context? - What added value does diversity offer, how does it contribute to the development of something new and to more innovative strength?


Sharpen the perception of leaders in their daily leadership work

« A faire »

Integration into a larger programme with concrete quantitative goals and a defined deadline (Gender Ambition 2025) helps a training measure to attract more attention.

« Ne pas faire »

It is not done with a one-off training, but requires repetition and implementation in practice



Mots-clés : Sensibiliser les décideurs

Publié le 27 mai 2022
