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Celebrating National Days

Nom de l'entreprise : Caceis Investor Services Bank

Secteur d'activité : Activités financières et d'assurance

Catégorie de l'entreprise : Grande Entreprise


Sensibiliser, former et impliquer

Description de l'action

We celebrate National Days with our employees through interactive and engaging campaigns, includingtraditional mealsserved that day in our canteen.


Companies thrive when they are open to new ideas and new people.As do economies and our world. That is why the world’s most innovative businesses, cities and economies are the most diverse.Diversity &Inclusion is one of our core values at RBC.  As an organization, we believe that diversity &inclusion is an engine for innovation and economic prosperity. Our Diversity &inclusion Vision: To be among the most inclusive and successful companies, putting diversity into action to help employees, clients and communities thrive.The RBC Diversity &inclusion Blueprint 2020 sets the direction for our priorities, objectives and commitments. It aligns with our organizational purpose and focuses on attracting and developing the best talent, providing advice and solutions for diverse client markets, and enabling the social and economic development of our communities through partnerships, research, volunteerism and corporate citizenship.By actively using our diversity, we better develop ideas and people, and ensure our company’s continued growth.We do this by creating opportunities that empower people to grow and achieve more. We seek out diverse perspectives, recognizing the value of diversity of thought to challenge the status quo.With approximately30 different nationalities represented in our office in Luxembourg, the “National Days Campaign” is an opportunity for us to raise awareness and celebrating our diversity.


  • Raise awareness on diversity of our workforce
  • Honour different geographies
  • Inform workforce as a whole and provide people with an opportunity to learn more about other cultures
  • Strenghten spirit of community


  • Identify all nationalities
  • Enter into contact so as to define in common a specific meal  
  • Liaise with the chief cook so as to insure feasibility and ensure execution
  • Share stories through internal channels
  • On D day, decorate the canteen (e.g. national flag) and have some supporting material (e.g. flyer) providing some facts about the country


Diverse and inclusive teams make stronger teams, and strong teams make better business decisions which contribute to strong financial performance.For us, having diversity is interesting; doing something with it is powerful.  We see diversity as a key driver of growth and innovation.

« A faire »

  • Involve people concerned
  • Get their buy-in
  • Need to put something about communication planning
  • Next to the dedicated lunch, underpin the national day by a series of accompanying measures  (e.g. welcome message on intranet)
  • Favour exchange of views between employees celebrating their national days and the rest of the population

« Ne pas faire »

  • Limit the celebration to a sole "meal"

Mots-clés : Plan de gestion de la diversité

Publié le 05 juillet 2018
