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Allyship For the Gender Minority

Nom de l'entreprise : SES

Secteur d'activité : Autres

Catégorie de l'entreprise : PME


Sensibiliser, former et impliquer

Description de l'action

The Gender Equality andinclusion working group in SES has launched an Allyship programme. The idea is to have a platform where SESers can make allyship request to 3 specific ally categories that we have established in the company. At SES we define an ally as a person who stands up for others to proactively buildinclusion in our workplace. Being an ally is a verb, meaning an ally will proactively and purposefully act to use their privilege to support and advocate for those with less. This could be as subtle as asking a group to come back around to someone who hasn't been heard. Or it could be as clear as asking someone to think about what they just said in order to have them consider whether it was appropriate.

Whether that is gender, LGBTQIA+, Ethnicity,race, Age, Ability, any type of underrepresented group, we would like to support all employees that need it, no matter their stage in life?

Most of us have been allies at one time or another - so let's come together and create an inclusive environment for everyone!


Everyone needs an Ally sometimes and it's perfectly normal. The third rotation of the Gender Equality andinclusion working group saw the need to create a Network so people can find support that fits them best.

Anyone can submit an allyship request if they need it and we will make sure to contact you and match them with an appropriate ally. An Ally that completes successful requests, will be eligible for an award.

The nature of the proposal in non-punitive, it rather focuses on personal development. And of course, we couldn't do any of these without the support of people managers. So, the mottos are: be kind to your colleagues, stand up for the minority, speak out against injustice, be an ally for the gender minority!


The objective is to come together and create an inclusive environment for everyone and a space where people feel comfortable requesting for help from their peers. We also want to have the recognition established for people that have successfully completed requests without penalizing anyone that does not feel ready to participate


We have created request forms for Allies and people in need of Allies and then the matching takes place. When an ally and ally-caller are matched they work together and provide feedback on the allyship. The feedback helps classify the case as allyship worked/or didn't work and at the end of year the business units from which the allies come gets allyship points for successful allyships. At the end of the year SESers are asked to mention allyship that happened traditionally, outside of the program and the volunteers assess the cases in order to give allyship points. Business units without participation are asked to participate as allies, volunteers or organize an allyship event of their taste. Awards are given at the end of the year for business units: ally of the year, most influential ally, most creative ally. In order to avoid misuse of the platform we'll create a lexicon explaining what an ally is, what you can ask an ally for etc. and an ally handbook as a guide for allies. Currently we are at the stage where we are getting Ally submissions and Allyship requests.

We have categorized the Ally roles in those 3 categories:

Champion (& sponsor)

A champion sees the capabilities of a person and their skillset, taking into consideration skillset and unique identity. Supporting with growth within the company. Identify opportunities and suggest colleagues for opportunities. (Active allyship)


An Amplifier is good at listening at making sure you translate this in all places that needs to be heard. Having experience of other people heard. (Support language)


The Confidant is the one that creates an inclusive space, a space for safe conversations/ being able to step in and listen with the aim of understanding. (Not ready to be 100% externally focused)


Create a safe space within the company where behaviours that are non-inclusive are mitigated and colleagues are supported.

« A faire »

Run a survey and see the level of awareness in the company Involve people in implementation bottom-up Have a leader sponsor Provide people with a lexicon with terminology

Create communication material on the “why” and explain exactly how this works

Creating a SharePoint page with all the information

« Ne pas faire »

Do not launch this without clearly communicating the reason behind the initiative

Don't expect people to immediately take action


Mots-clés : Culture organisationnelle

Publié le 24 mars 2022
